Medical paperwork automation

MicroDoc is a digital assistant for doctors. We help you manage, process and generate paperwork better. We integrate with your existing systems, so you can keep treating patients, just as before.

App screenshot

Intelligent paperwork management

AI assisted paperwork

We leverage AI and automation to make paperwork faster and easier, while integrating into your existing patient management system.

Review tool
Our easy-to-use review tool makes reviewing incoming documents easier and faster, saving time and money.
Smart dictation
We generate high quality, ready to send letters from your dictations in seconds. Our self-correcting and context-aware AI takes care of all the letter writing admin for you.
We integrate directly into your existing patient management system, so you can keep treating patients just like before.
Insight engine
We deliver smart medical insights, based on the patient's medical history, identifying issues that would have been otherwise missed.

Try it out for yourself!

Upload a document, or audio recording, and see for yourself how we can help you.

It's excellent Brian. So handy to navigate. makes my life so much easier. I couldn't imagine going back to the old system.

Lisa Hutcheson
Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist

Our mission

At MicroDoc, we believe in a world where doctors aren't weighed down by undifferentiated paperwork. We know how frustrating, slow, and time-consuming paperwork is, and we're here to help.

In many cases, paperwork is a necessary evil. It is essential to high quality patient care, but requires an enormous amount of effort, diligence, and time. Creating, sending and processing documents are key parts of any paperwork flow, and those are the parts we're trying to help with.

Our easy-to-use review tool supercharges document processing. Every document that your practice receives is analysed, summarised, and flagged. We make the process 30x faster. And we're built for teams, with granular review, so you can review only the reports you want to.

Per Incoming Report
Cheaper Letters
Saved Per Week
8 hours


Pricing plans for teams of all sizes


The essentials to get up and running.

€24 /month

  • Up to 100 documents reviewed
  • 10 letters dictated
  • Basic medical insight engine
  • 1 patient management system integration
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Most popular

A plan that scales with your rapidly growing business.

€48 /month

  • Up to 1,000 documents
  • 100 letters dictated
  • Advanced medical insight engine
  • Unlimited patient management system integrations
  • Email automation
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Dedicated support and infrastructure for your company.

€146 /month

  • Unlimited documents
  • Unlimited letters
  • Advanced medical insight engine
  • 1-hour, dedicated support response time
  • Advanced automation
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Boost your practice's productivity.

Get in touch today, to learn how we can help, or sign up for an account and start supercharging your practice.